
Good morning…

The last time my husband Steve and I were physically together on a mountainside was in Banff, Canada. We explored the Canadian Rockies with our adult kids in June. This week Steve and I have been spiritually together as I have prayed constantly for him and the group he is helping to lead up Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa. It has been a whole week since I heard his voice, which is strange. Usually when he leads trips, he maintains cell service so we are able to stay in touch most every day.

As Steve is beginning his new adventure as the Director of Lovett Expeditions, an global trip program he is developing for adults in our community, these are the last words and the photos I received from him last Wednesday:

“Prior to starting our hike up Kilimanjaro, we’ve spent the past 2 days immersing ourselves in the local culture of Tanzania. First we visited Lovett (Atlanta) alums Wade and Megan Morris at the international school of Moshii. As they showed us around we were all blessed by the Morris’s passion for education and life. Following our tour we had lunch at a favorite Moshii restaurant “Jacks Fruit”. Then we headed to Legho village where we enjoyed the hospitality of our host, Pastor Deo. After a walk to a beautiful vista overlooking the border between Tanzania and Kenya, we spent the evening telling our stories of how we all came to be sharing this pilgrimage experience. This morning Pastor Deo delivered a powerful message using the metaphor of the coffee bean as it relates to the challenges we face in our lives. All this is leading us to our ultimate challenge: Kilimanjaro. We begin tomorrow.”


As a family, we have received a few random texts throughout the week.

Monday 2:01 pm: “Made it to Tanzania, but my bag is on the island of lost luggage. Might not see it for days.”

Wednesday 7:19 pm: “Just got my bag. Wednesday at 2 pm.”

Friday 2:32 am: “Start of second day of climbing. Got a few minutes of service. First day was tough. Second day – our first view of the Kilimanjaro summit.”

Friday 11:30 am: “Can’t send photos but got a signal tonight at our second campsite. It’s a beautiful site with stunning views of Kilimanjaro. Today’s hike was shorter but a lot uphill. It’s tough on this old body but each stop is rejuvenating. Meals are great. Tomorrow will be long.”

Monday 12:59 am: “After 5 hard days of hiking with incredible views of the mountain, tonight we summit.”

Steve said he would be out of regular cell service until Wednesday. That’s today. I know enough to be very grateful that he is there and I, with my own old body, am here, holding down the home fort. It has been awesome to be spiritually together through prayer, but I really look forward to hearing Steve’s voice, possibly today. I will pick him up at the airport on Saturday night, and the amazing stories with flow freely as we are physically reunited.

Steve has listened well to “the sound of the genuine” guiding him towards this next phase of his ministry as Lovett’s Chaplain Emeritus. Might the same “sound of the genuine” lead you to join Steve (and possibly me) on an upcoming adventure? Check out the exciting possibilities at Lovett Expeditions. Email with any questions you may have, invite friends, and register soon to save your spot on the 2025 trips.

May God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together—spirit, soul, and body—and keep you fit for the coming of our Master, Jesus Christ. The One who called you is completely dependable. If he said it, he’ll do it! (1 Thessalonians 5:23-24, MSG).

I totally trust the One who lives physically and spiritually with all of us, at all times, in all places. Our dependable God will do marvelous things. I feel it in my spirit, soul, and body!


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