Good morning…
Just before 6:00 o’clock in the middle of a busy week, the grocery store line was long, slow, ugh. After a full day of good work, I was ready to get home, ready to relax, ready to unwind, please. Finally walking out to my car, I noticed the setting sun sinking beneath the rising moon.
“Stop. Look. Listen.” I sensed a holy nudge.
Disregarding the opinion of onlookers, I wheeled over to the edge of the parking lot, lifted my cart of onto the sidewalk, and silently snapped the photo above. “Stop. Look. Listen.”
Then, after loading our groceries into the car, I instinctively drove to the top of the Kroger parking garage to take another picture.
“Stop. Look. Listen.”

“Stop. Look. Listen.”
We are held in the care of the One who whispers, “My peace is the legacy I leave to you” (John 14:27a, VOICE).