Good morning…

When I posted yesterday’s message, “The gift of tears,” I did know know I would be crying within a few short hours. As he told his personal story through heaving waves of tears, he struggled to say, “These have been the best years of my life.” His gut-wrenching tears wrenched my gut and I began to cry. His honest tears ignited my tears and together we wet our splotchy cheeks.

A clear ending; a new beginning.
Moving on hurts; stagnation hurts more.
Pining for the past; uncertain of the future.
Leaving what was; not yet knowing what will be.
Embracing memories; experiencing physical absence.
Life never stays the same; might this loss lead to gain?

Transitions are hard. We toss and we turn. We weep. We wonder. We wander.

You have kept record
of my days of wandering.
You have stored my tears in your bottle
and counted each of them.
When I pray, Lord God,
my enemies (my fears, my worries, my sorrows) will retreat,
because I know for certain
that you are with me (Psalm 56:8-9, CEV).

When we know for certain that God is with us, our tears lead us home.
