Good morning…
She introduced me to Porcelain War, the 2024 Sundance Grand Jury Prize winner for a U.S. documentary. Curious, I research more about the film to discover this summary.
“Amidst the chaos and destruction of the brutal Russian invasion of Ukraine, three artists defiantly find inspiration and beauty as they defend their culture and their country. In a war waged by professional soldiers against ordinary civilians, Slava Leontyev, Anya Stasenko, and Andrey Stefanov choose to stay behind, armed with their art, their cameras, and, for the first time in their lives, their guns. Despite daily shelling, Anya finds resistance and purpose in her art, Andrey takes the dangerous journey to get his young family to safety abroad, and Slava becomes a weapons instructor for ordinary people who have become unlikely soldiers. As the war intensifies, Andrey picks up his camera to film their story, and on tiny porcelain figurines, Anya and Slava capture their idyllic past, uncertain present, and hope for the future.”
To me, it sounds like a must-see.
After watching this award-winning film, this artist wrote and shared a poem.
The Fight – after watching Porcelain War by Rosemerry Wahlot Trommer
I think of every human
who has given their life
to fight not for war
but for peace. I think
of every mother and father
and son and daughter,
every baker and painter
and teacher and builder
who has learned to use
a weapon to save
the people and places
they love. I think of love—
how the Ukrainian woman
said tonight she had
never been more aware
of how good humans can be—
and how she’s learned this
midst bombs and blood
and broken trust and shattered
glass. I think of how peace
is a choice we make with
every smallest action we take.
I think of the pen in my own hand.
What will I do with it?
If peace is a choice we make with every smallest action we take, now armed with our own art, our own cameras, and our own pens, what will we do with this life God has gifted us?
While on earth, Jesus humbly walked is own path to peace. His powerful promise reminds us of the battle he has already won. The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows] (John 10:10, AMP).
Day after day, for us will it be steal, kill, destroy or will it be joy, abundant life, being filled to overflowing?
It strikes me now that our art and our cameras, our pens and our lives can only overflow with abundance when we do not unplug from the Giver of Life.
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