
Good morning…

When the Spirit nudges me awake in the middle of the night, our home is very quiet. I hear the air conditioner kick in to cool off. I notice the rhythmic breath of our sleeping dogs. I pick up the campy conversation of hidden insects outside. Deepening into the now of now, this sweet, still silence amplifies my private pondering.

“Ah prayer!” writes Dom Helder Camara. “It’s there every instant of your life. God is everywhere. Day and night we are plunged in the Lord. We walk, we talk, we live, we’re always within the Lord. And God is within us.”

“How beautiful it is to look at all of nature,” Dom marvels, “and to converse – not with words, but only by thought – with the Creator who is inside us!”

That’s the only quiet, secure place in a noisy world, the perfect getaway, far from the buzz of traffic (Psalm 27:5, MSG).
