Good morning…
“When we sit in silence, it’s true, we may not be doing anything. But we are un-doing so much,” says blogger Emily P. Freeman.
Emily continues: “The soul is made to receive. In the presence of God, we experience a right full-ness. But like a bucket left out in the yard, it will hold anything that comes along to fill it – rain, pollen, a leaf, a bug. The soul receives input all day long, from both welcome and unwelcome sources. Where is the output? When are we regularly disposing of the soul clutter we no longer need?
Silence is the act of picking up the bucket and dumping it out onto the ground, then listening for the voice of God. Asking God to search and know our heart, our anxious thoughts, and any hurtful way within us is one step toward releasing what we no longer need – fear, bitterness, comparison, inadequacy, outcomes, control, timelines.
In silence the way is made wide with willingness to continue to face the life within and not worry so much about what we may or may not hear.
* This wide way leaves room for courage to move toward others in love without a complicated agenda.
* It leaves room for energy to be ourselves in the presence of others without fear, pretense, or defensiveness.
* It leaves room for a hopeful vision for the future, one filled with the companionship of Jesus rather than the accusations of fear.
May we find a few moments to sift through all the input our soul has received. As we walk through the events of this day in our mind, the conversations, the interactions, the love expressed or withheld, the praise given and received, the harsh words spoken, the times we bit our tongue – may we be willing to hold on to what we need and let the rest fall gently away.”
Look deep into my heart, God,
and find out everything
I am thinking.
Don’t let me follow evil ways,
but lead me in the way
that time has proven true (Psalm 139:23-24, NLT).