Good Morning…

“This is not sustainable,” whispered the stunning sentence waking me from sleep on October 20, 2017. Journaling with God in dark, wee hours. Blogging daily and responding to subscribers. Co-shepherding the Women’s Ministry at church, praying, teaching, guiding. Being an attentive wife and mom, a loyal friend and daughter. Peacefully providing spiritual direction to those seeking to hear God. For the very first time ever, I felt the un-sustainability of this full phase of life I love.

“This is not sustainable.” God what do I do with that?

Praying over the past few weeks, I have sensed one clear directive: “STREAMLINE.” As a noun, ‘streamline’ means a teardrop line of contour offering the least possible resistance to a current of air or water (or the current of the Holy Spirit). The path of a particle flowing steadily, without turbulence in a fluid (like carefully being carried on God’s Living Water). As a verb, ‘streamline’ means to design a form presenting little resistance to a flow, increasing speed and ease of movement, or using simpler work methods to make a system more efficient. To unite, unify. To converge, consolidate. To integrate, incorporate.

I sensed God saying, “Sue, I need you to streamline.”

Prayerfully pondering God’s invitation, I received clarity about a new way to share our morning messages. Instead of doubling my time to copy, paste, and edit each blog post into my website and into your email, I will craft words into my website before sending you a link to open, like giving you a wrapped Christmas gift each and every morn. This streamlined method will save me tons of time and God will bless us each in the process.

So tomorrow, when you get our morning message and it has a different look, please trust this truth: “God is giving us a daily gift, a unifying, integrating gift of the Spirit.”

I want to…share with you the same blessings that God’s Spirit has given me. Then you will grow stronger in your faith (Romans 1:11, CEV).
