Good morning…
As summer nears her end and this new school year begins, a friend read aloud a prayer. Once. Again. With silence surrounding.
Might we do the same? Privately. Now.
Help me to journey beyond the familiar and into the unknown.
Give me the faith to leave old ways and break fresh ground with you.
Christ of mysteries, I trust You to be stronger than each storm within me.
I will trust in the darkness and know that my times, even now, are in Your hand.
Tune my spirit to the music of heaven and make my obedience count for you.
-A prayer inspired by St. Brendan of Clonfert, from Christine Valters Painter’s book on Pilgrimage
Journey. Unknown. Faith. Fresh ground. Mysteries. Storm. Darkness. Your hand. Tune my spirit. Music of heaven. Obedience. Pilgrimage.
In rereading the prayer, which word or words grab your full attention right now? Let’s dig deep into this fertile spot with God.
Every word of God can be trusted. He protects those who come to him for safety (Proverbs 30:5, ICB).
P.S. Photo by David Sjunnesson on Unsplash.