Good morning…
Every semester, I prayerfully search for God’s book of choice for the classes I teach in our home. A book that will hold us well, week by week. A book that seems to speak into this very moment in time. A book that the Holy Spirit somehow nods, “This is it for this semester.”
Through the years, there have been many different ways God has made His choice known. This year was a funny, undeniable nod.
After a class at the end of last semester, one woman stayed back with difficult news to share with me privately. We unpacked important thoughts, exchanging tears, hugging deep. As she was leaving I said, “Now I get to spend the afternoon with God, finally discerning the book we will study for next semester. I’m down to two possibilities. God and I will spend the afternoon deciding the one.”
Out of the blue, she said, “You know, one book I love is Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer.”
Unbeknownst to her, that was one of the two books I was considering. The Spirit gave me a nudge through this faithful friend. That God-wink was the confirmation I needed. In that instant, our book was chosen.
With the snow delaying a few classes, we finally opened our book last week and together discussed these words among many.
“I want Jesus’ vision of life in the kingdom of God to be true,” writes John Mark. “I resonate at a soul level with the disciple Peter’s conclusion: Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life (John 6:68).”
“I stand (or really, walk) with a vast multitude of others around the world and down through history who have come to believe: There simply is no better way, truth, or life to be found than that of Jesus,” concludes Comer. “Of the myriad of options, he’s the one I choose to follow. I’m going to end up following someone, so I choose to follow Jesus.”
Comer goes on to write: “The philosopher Dallas Willard used to say, ‘There’s no problem in human life that apprenticeship to Jesus cannot solve.’ Following or, as I will describe it in the pages to come, apprenticing Jesus, is the solution to the problem of the so-called human condition. Name your malaise: political polarization, climate change, looming global war, the mental health epidemic, addiction, Christian nationalism, widespread hypocrisy among Christian leaders, our simple inability to be kind…
There is no problem in human life that apprenticeship to Jesus cannot solve.” (xv)
All of the problems listed here are exploding in our world right now. All of these problems are begging for a solution.
“Contrary to what many assume, Jesus did not invite people to convert to Christianity,” admits Comer. “He didn’t even call people to become Christians (keep reading…); he invited people to apprentice under him into a whole new way of living. To be transformed.”
“My thesis is simple: Transformation is possible if we are willing to arrange our lives around the practices, rhythms, and truths that Jesus did, which will open our lives to God’s power to change,” writes John Mark. “Said another way, we can be transformed if we are willing to apprentice ourselves to Jesus. Then – and only then – can we become the people we ache to be and live the lives we were destined for.” (xvii)
This New York Times bestseller is already blowing our minds, as we consider apprenticing ourselves to Jesus daily, practicing the Way.
Comer concludes: “If you choose to enroll as his student (and I very much hope you do), that means when you wake up tomorrow morning, your entire life is architected to this threefold aim: to be with Jesus, to become like him, and to do as he did. This is the animated passion of your existence.” (13)
“Come, follow me,” Jesus said (Mark 1:17a, NIV).
P.S. I just woke from my second sleep, and I say, “Yes.” I choose to enroll as a student of Jesus. In this moment, I am with Jesus. Gradually, I will become like him. With the Spirit of the living God breathing in me, I will be guided to do as Jesus did. Before leaving earth for heaven, Jesus made this bold prediction: “I can guarantee this truth: Those who believe in me will do the things that I am doing. They will do even greater things because I am going to the Father” (John 14:12, (NOG).
Practicing the Way of Jesus day in and day out, this is truly the best solution to all of the world’s problems.
Might you also say “Yes.”? I hope you enroll as a student of Jesus. Together, we will be transformed by God to transform the world.