Good morning…

The night we first met, I sat next to her at dinner. Fragile feeling. Truth-tellers. Something we said sparked her soul to recite for me a poem: “Even if I don’t see it again – nor ever feel it,” words from her heart came soft and sure. “I know it is – and that if once it hailed me, it ever does. And so it is myself I want to turn in that direction – not as towards a place, but it was a tilting within myself, as one turns a mirror to flash the light where it isn’t.”

As our food sat still, she continued slow and steady: “I was blinded by that – and swam in what shone at me – only able to endure it by being no one and so specifically myself.”

Quietly she concluded: “I thought I’d die from being loved like that.”

I sat speechless. Mesmerized. In absolute awe. My soul sensed the flickering light: When you welcomed me and I saw your face, it was like seeing the face of God (Genesis 33:10, CEV). Two days later, she spoke a poem into the microphone, and I jotted in my retreat notes “Annunciation by Marie Howe.” The same sacred words stirred me again, flashing light into my ears.

Curious, now I google the meaning of the title. “Annunciation” is the announcement by the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary that she would birth God’s saving son. Oa representation of this holy edict in any form of art. My mind stretches open: “What does this poem and this person have to do with Jesus Christ?”

I begin to wonder: Even if we do not see it – nor feel it – once hailed we know it is, tilting our true self to reflect God’s light where it is not. Those who are [spiritually] wise will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead many to righteousness, [will shine] like the stars forever and ever (Daniel 12:3, AMP).
