Good morning…
“I have been out of touch but reading and connecting with you most mornings,” she wrote. “I am so heartbroken and encouraged by the beautiful and tragic story of Eliza.”
“When I saw the title of your message I’ll Walk Through The Valley,” she continued, “I thought to myself, ‘I haven’t heard that song in a while. I should listen to it today.’ Well, in typical Sue fashion, the beautiful song was included in your message. I have a long history with that song and enjoyed a good cry this morning as I heard Ginny sing it again.”
“I first heard it when our best friend was going through leukemia about 20 years ago,” she went on to explain. “He has survived leukemia treatment twice and is healthy. But that was a very difficult time to be praying for him and not knowing if he would live. When our infant son died, I cried my eyes out to this song many times as a catharsis. When our teenage daughter was facing an eating disorder, I prayed to this song as I walked through my own valley of darkness, desiring her to be well. Fortunately, she made it through the fire and is now healthy.”
“Once when I was in the dark auditorium at the old Buckhead Church in the grocery store on Roswell Road, they pulled out a grand piano onto the stage,” she added another story. “This was highly unusual as they normally had a rock band. When a gentleman escorted a blind woman to be seated at the piano, I nudged my husband and said, ‘Wow isn’t that amazing, she is blind just like Ginny Owens.’ Of course I was blown away when Ginny Owens herself proceeded to play this very song at church. I was a blubbering mess when I went up to her afterward to tell her how much it meant to me. I have to say I’m kind of glad she couldn’t see my red and swollen face as I was talking to her.”
“I had the chance to go see her again when she came to Atlanta for a public relations breakfast,” she added. “Even though I am not in public relations, I bought a ticket and went just so I could hear her perform. I went up to her afterwards to tell her how her song had continued to minister to me as I had walked through more valleys since the last time I had seen her.”
“I can’t imagine the grief that Eliza‘s new husband, her parents, and the rest of her family and friends are going through,” she concluded. “I only pray that this beautiful song ministers to them deeply as it has to me over the years. I am grateful that God uses so many different ways to touch our hearts and to give us the comfort of the Holy Spirit when we need it most. Thank you for being true to your calling and the Holy Spirit’s whisper as you continue to bless us with the words we need channeled through your keyboard.” ❤️
Look at how much encouragement you’ve found in your relationship with the Anointed One! You are filled to overflowing with his comforting love. You have experienced a deepening friendship with the Holy Spirit and have felt his tender affection and mercy (Philippians 2:1, TPT).
P.S. Thank you Gina Palermo for this gorgeous photo of God’s healing light reaching out to touch and comfort us in so many different ways.
P.S.S. In case you have missed this comforting music video, here is Ginny Owens, a God-given singer/songwriter who went blind at age three.