Good morning…
Facing hard medical issues. Grieving deep, deep loss. Hearing rumors of war at home and abroad. Tasting, touching, smelling uncertainty. Exhausted by the worry of “What’s next?” As we tread into the unknown ahead, what is our safest way to step-by-step forward?
A friend sent me a story, a story which sheds just enough light for our unsettled feet to see. Let’s slowly read it once. Then read it again. What words sparkle for your attention?

In His own words, God explains the safety of such intimate light. You won’t need the sun to brighten the day or the moon and lamps to give you light. The Eternal One will be all the light you ever need. Your God will provide your glory, brilliance for all time (Isaiah 60:19, VOICE).
As we go forth into the dark unknown, might our tired hand find the Hand of God? We do not need to know where we are headed, a detailed agenda of when and how. Step-by-stepping forward, day and night, we will savor all the light we will ever need, hand-in-Hand, Hand-in-hand.
P.S. Each month, we create Wordless Prayer Cards together to creatively process with God the joys and the sorrows we are experiencing in our daily lives. Tomorrow at noon, we will gather at church for the first time this semester. Please reach out to me for details if you feel nudged to join as we create Wordless Prayer Cards in the Faith and Arts Center at Northside Church from 12:00 to 2:00 pm on 1/17, 2/21, 3/20, and 4/17.
“The Wordless Prayer Cards have been exactly the spontaneous creative outlet I’ve been looking for,” wrote one woman, “artsy, contemplative, prayerful and fun! Each card becomes so personal that there is no pressure…just a welcome process of expression. It’s almost magical that way pictures and symbols ‘appear’, allowing our story to unfold. I look forward to adding more collage cards to my ‘memoir’!”
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