Good morning…
It is rare for me to create a blog post on Sunday, normally my day of rest from writing. Yet the update I need to share with you today is both sacred and time sensitive. Urgent prayers are needed on behalf of Audrey DeShelter, our dear nineteen year old friend who has journeyed with cancer since she was five. As a church family and as a caring group of friends, we have walked closely beside the DeShelters, up, down, and all around the gamut of emotions. Today we find ourselves in a hard place. Ben, Audrey’s dad, wrote about it on Facebook yesterday.
Right now, our family is crushed and I am writing this with disbelief and tears in my eyes. Yesterday I received an email that both oncologists wanted to speak to us about Audrey‘s liquid biopsy results. Apparently, it showed that Audrey has 25% circulating tumor DNA in her body (from <1% in October) even though her MIBG scans looked clear. No tumor could be found on her chest CT either so we are doing an MRI next week as well.
The oncologist said that Audrey’s tumor is now no longer MIBG avid (meaning it doesn’t show on the scans). When asked what we could do, they said nothing. If we give her chemo, it will further damage her lungs. MIBG radiotherapy will no longer work and because of her lungs, she is not eligible for any more trials.
When I asked how much time we have, the oncologist said that she doesn’t know, but maybe weeks or months before she succumbs. Our family is in the state of shock right now and Audrey doesn’t want to give up. She was in so much pain hearing this news, and there was nothing we could do but hold her and cry and pray.
We asked her what she would like to do and she responded, I want to go back to Notre Dame and see my friends and go to class. So we’re trying to make that happen for her, at least for a little while. She did so well her first semester and made so many great friends in spite of her health. It’s where she’s happy.
Scott has decided that he may want to take a semester off (the last one before graduation), to help take care of his sister. The two are so close to each other, and I know he would do anything to make her feel better and care for her.
Next week, she’ll miss the first week of school to have IV breathing treatments. One of the new drugs she’s taking may have some anti-tumor effects and we will try to do some alternative therapies, but there’s nothing definitive they can give us.
Last night, we were all stunned. Quietly, we watched the Ohio State Texas game. It would typically be a dream year to have Ohio State (Jennifer and my alma mater) and Notre Dame playing for the national championship, let alone in Atlanta. It’ll be the first time in my life that I won’t be sad if Ohio State loses just so I can see Audrey happy one more time.
Psalm 34:18: “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”
Raw. Honest. Gut-wrenching. Ben’s words elaborate on the text I received the morning after our post Audrey’s High & Lows. Jennifer wrote: “Ben and I just got off the phone with both CHOP and Atlanta oncologists. Audrey’s disease has spread to more than 25% of her body. They are expecting around 1 month or less for Audrey. There is no more path moving forward.” She asked that I share the news with our Northside Church pastors and prayer warriors. Devastating. Just devastating.
At the request of the DeShetlers, who are loyal, longtime Northside members, we will be hosting a prayer vigil for anyone who would like to gather, to pray, and to show support for Audrey and her family. If the Spirit moves you to join us, we will welcome you into the Northside Church chapel at 4:00 pm today (2799 Northside Dr Nw Atlanta, GA 30305). If you are unable to attend in person, we invite you to pray with us in Spirit from wherever you are.
If your heart is broken, you’ll find God right there; if you’re kicked in the gut, he’ll help you catch your breath (Psalm 34:18, MSG).