Good morning…
The hands of the hand-painted clock above fell off long ago. This broken clock hangs on the wall in my spiritual direction space, an invitation for me to stay keenly alert for God’s perfect timing, kairos versus chronos time.
Chronos, clock-time, is the measurable sequence of seconds, minutes, and hours structuring our daily lives. Yet it seems to me, kairos time is the gravity grounding our world in palpable ways right now. Kairos, in Ancient Greek is simply translated “time” – but it wasn’t just any ole time. It was exactly the right time, the perfect time, the opportune time to say or to do or to become a particular thing. In modern rhetoric, kairos refers to making exactly the right statement at exactly the right moment.
“Hi Sue,” she wrote. “I feel the Lord’s presence in this unusual time. I have felt His connection personally and profoundly. I wonder if all our idols of sports, money, entertainment, work and our self preoccupation could have ever been put on hold without this virus? I don’t know, but I believe God is revealing Himself to each of us personally. God sent His Son to redeem all of humanity. In this time of disconnecting from old patterns to reimagine new ones, could it be God calling each of us to seek Him, first and foremost, and His higher will for our lives and for our world?”
She concluded, “As we continue to reopen our country, I pray that we take time to listen for the LORD’s still small voice, to love others above our selves, and to love God above all, including above all these ‘other things’ in our lives. ??♥️ I hope we, His church, are listening to God and not worldly distractions (which shout much louder).”
And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you] (Romans 12:2, AMP).
P.S. Remember how earlier this week I introduced you to the fruitful words of Northside’s Director of Adult Discipleship, Dr. James Johnson? Well, God’s timing is perfect because James just announced the beginning a new Faith and Film class.
In his promotion, James ponders: “What if the imagination is our greatest spiritual gift? It just may be. We see the world around us through God’s extraordinary gift of the imagination. If we fill our imagination with stories of darkness and brokenness, that is how we will see the world. But an imagination infused with faith in Jesus Christ sees no limits and can transform the world.”
James extends an open invitation: “Come with me…and you’ll be…in a class diving into the power of the imagination to create and shape our world as we discuss scripture in conversation with the films: Finding Neverland, Big Fish, The Truman Show, and Arrival. Class begins THIS TUESDAY, June 9th at 8:00pm via Zoom.”
Zoom Info: https://zoom.us/j/95666926100?pwd=QnNCbWlNQmxlU1dpM1hJdDJWTWQ4UT09&status=success
Meeting ID: 956 6692 6100
Password: 068606
To wet your spiritual appetite, please explore below the imaginative introductory video below. Maybe you were made…for just such a time as this (Ester 14:4b, MSG).
P.S. If you are looking for a worship experience this morning, consider joining us virtually at Northside Church.
8:30AM · Traditional Worship
9:45AM · Contemporary Worship
11:00AM · Traditional Worship
Join us via Facebook or our website. Our hearts are open, but our doors are officially closed through June 30.