Good morning…
Living miles away makes a family visit even sweeter. With my mom’s slow recovery from a series of serious surgeries, she has not felt up for a large family gathering since November of 2021. “Absence makes the heart grow fonder,” explains the truth we experienced this weekend.
On Friday evening, our immediate family of seven flew into my hometown of Berea, Ohio.

On Saturday, our oldest son introduced his wife to my parents for the very first time.

That afternoon, my sister, her husband, their six kids, their in-law spouses, and their grandson joined my brother, his wife, my parents and our family at the AirBnB we rented for the weekend. Hanging out, catching up, sharing the gorgeous day, it felt really good to be together.

On Sunday morning, our nephew preached at City Church in downtown Cleveland. We enjoyed meeting their unique church family before sharing a final lunch with my parents at their villa in their senior living community.

Traveling to be with family for the weekend is both tiring and life-giving, as we feed the eternal bonds which carry us from earth into heaven.
It’s because of people—my family, friends, and acquaintances— that I say, “May peace permeate you” (Psalm 122:8, VOICE).