
Good morning…

My twenty-three year old daughter laughed at me recently, “Mom, why are you getting so into this vote thing?”

This “vote thing” on May 24th will determine whether our village of Vinings, Georgia becomes a city. Last month, I went to a gathering held by Cobb County leaders discussing our decision. Last week, I went to a large gathering to listen and learn with the “Vote Yes” representatives. Last night, I went to a small happy hour held to hear from two “Vote No” speakers. Next Monday night, I will attend a final presentation with a panel from the Vinings Village Alliance. Gradually, I am educating myself on every possible perspective.

Until now, I must admit, I have not been a politically active person. That’s why my daughter laughed at my odd behavior. Me voluntarily attending evening meetings? Strangely, I have felt compelled to invest time discerning for myself the core issues at hand. I have one vote to give on this important matter, and I want to use my small ounce of power wisely.

At times like this I am really grateful to be a NINE on the enneagram. Wired as a peacemaker. Open to all sides. Slow to decide. I want to listen well and to learn the value of each and every point of view. Then, taking the key information into my prayer time with God, I know I will not move forward to cast my single vote until I feel at peace, deeply at home with whatever decision is mine to make.

“What a goofball I am!” I texted one friend last week, chuckling at my teachable tortoise approach. As the political climate heats up across our country and the strong winds of opposing opinions swirl, might we each put in deep prayer time with God? Listen. Learn. “Lord, in which direction am I to cast my vote?”

My hope is that we will all feel peacefully empowered by the Spirit of God. Every one voting. Every voice heard.

When you make a decision, it will be carried out, and light will shine on your ways (Job 22:28, CSB).


P.S. If you live in the Vinings area and are still wondering how to vote, please join the final information session on Monday, May 16th, 6:30 to 8:00 pm. We are told the meeting will consist of a 30 minute presentation followed by questions from the floor.

Vinings Marriott Courtyard – Overlook Room
2829 Overlook Parkway SE
Atlanta, GA 30339