
Good morning…

On the same morning my 86 year old mom left the skilled nursing care center to return home to the villa with my dad in Ohio, a dear, dear friend settled her own aging mom into her new home, a memory care facility in Huntsville, Alabama. That same evening, another loyal friend rested beside her mom at a hospital in Atlanta, as she was in the care of hospice. Her mom went to home to heaven at 12:19 am.

Home to the villa. Home to memory care. Home to heaven. Home to home to home. Ohio. Alabama. Atlanta, Georgia. Home to home to home.

“We are Walking Each Other Home,” explains the title of a book by Ram Dass and Mirabai Bush. “We are all in this together, parallel souls on a parallel journey of finding meaning and eventually releasing meaning in order to surrender into the One.”

The Lord God says, “I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am the One who is and was and is coming. I am the All-Powerful” (Revelations 1:8, ICB). Home to home to home. Home to home to home. Surrendering into the All-Powerful One, we are walking each other home.


P.S. Talking with my parents the past two nights, they have sounded really good, content to be home together again. I admire the way they continue to surrender into the All-Powerful One, each and every day.

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