
Good morning…

Soaking in the sight of the sunset last night, I sensed my soul celebrate, “I feel really grateful to be a follower of the living Christ and a citizen of the United States.” Earlier in the day, I had watched some of the varied, articulate thoughts being shared during the second impeachment hearing of Donald J. Trump.

I couldn’t help but think, “If I was given thirty to sixty seconds to sum up my personal perspective on the situation, what might I say?” If I then yielded the floor to you, what might you say before yielding the floor?

When I came upstairs, I noticed this prism of light on the kitchen backsplash, a small snapshot of the same rainbow colors I would see at day’s end.


What a perfect symbol of our experience as a nation right now. We are each a different piece of the mosaic among us, each a different shape, given a different size, set at a different angle. Yet I sense the powerful Spirit of the living God shining on our collective experience.

I am reminded of an important concept written into the Christian Active Parenting series I co-authored with Dr. Michael and Melody Popkin a few years back. In any healthy, democratic system, be it a family or be it a government, we reiterate regularly: “Everyone gets their say, but not everyone gets their way.”

Each American of voting age got a say in electing the representatives sharing yesterday’s microphones. Each elected official in the mysterious mosaic expressed the shape of their own opinion, in keeping with the size of their passion, offering truth from their unique angle. When the final tally was taken, not everyone got their way, but I felt quite grateful everyone got their say.

In matters affecting our common good, we are fortunate to have a God who is with us, shining light on our everyday lives. You mortals, the Lord has told you what is good. This is what the Lord requires from you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to live humbly with your God (Micah 6:8, GW).

May we as a nation continue to do what is right, to love mercy, and to live humbly with our ever-present God.

