
Good morning…

“Good writing, the adage tells us, is when we read something we’ve always known but never been able to put into words,” explains Padraig O Tuama, the inspiring author of the delightful book we are reading for our Sunday afternoon monthly study, In the Shelter: Finding a Home in the World.

Beside this profound sentence, I jot in the margin: “Good comedy. Good poetry. Good singing. Good painting. Good movie-making. Good collaborative conversation. Good dancing. Good photography. Good note-writing. Good gardening. Good cooking. Good caregiving. Good wordless prayer cards.”

Honest expressions of an innermost truth help us to experience something we’ve always known but never been able to put into words. Authentic art welcomes us to live more fully alive, since what is most deeply personal is also most widely empowering.

God has made us what we are [for we are his handiwork/ workmanship/ work of art]. In Christ Jesus, God made [created] us to do good works, which God planned in advance for us to live our lives doing (Ephesians 2:10, EXB).

We, my friends, are God’s work of art. What empowering expression might you be drawn to today?
