
Good morning…

Waiting for my son’s Eagle Scout booklet to be bound at Fed Ex, I browsed the tall circular card rack. Whoever comes up with these hilarious expressions of common emotion gets a gold star in my gratitude book. I fell so in love with one birthday card that I bought two copies, one for my 82-year-old dad in Ohio and one for my lifelong friend in Connecticut, loved ones who were both born on April 29th miles and years apart. Here is the front of the card that tickled my funny bone.


The inside of the card reads: “Happy birthday to someone who is always evolving.” One day after I bought the cards, out of the blue another friend texted me the same exact cartoon following our morning walk-and-talk, texting, “Thought you might like this. I hope you enjoyed the rest of this gorgeous day! Thank you for making a great start of it.” I responded, “This is so funny. I just got two copies of this exact same card yesterday. Inside the cards reads: ‘Happy birthday to someone who is always evolving.'”

I wrote heartfelt notes to my dad and my friend and mailed one to Ohio and one to Connecticut. One day after I addressed, stamped, and sent the cards, another friend out of the blue sent me the exact same “Friday Funny.” “Because I’ve been teaching the behavior change process since the mid 90’s,” she emailed, “I’ve been getting tons of butterfly messages too…but have never seen this one. Happy weekend.”

God’s surround sound often makes me chuckle. What do you think God is trying to tell us about the colorful joy of spiritual transformation?

“Do you feel like a lowly worm…? Don’t be afraid. Feel like a fragile insect…? I’ll help you. I, God, want to reassure you. The God who buys you back…I’m transforming you from worm to harrow, from insect to iron” (Isaiah 41:14-15, MSG).
