Good morning…
The waxing moon, three nights before full, casts a funky design on our bathroom floor, and moonlight paints cool shadows all over our living room walls.

Beckoned barefoot out into the mild night, I marvel at the dark branches stretching toward the light of the moon.

“If God’s created world peacefully embodies light and dark, night and day, bright and shadow, might we, as God’s created people, peacefully embody black and white, straight and curly, different vantage points and resting in oneness?” One of the Wordless Prayer Cards I made with our group yesterday visually poses this poignant question.

Talking with our Father, Jesus said of you and me: “I want all of them to be one with each other, just as I am one with you and you are one with me. I also want them to be one with us” (John 17:21a, CEV).
We are all created for oneness, with God and each other. Slowly and surely, may the Lord’s deepest desire permeate each one of us.

P.S. For those living in the Atlanta area, please mark your calendars and join us for our next Wordless Prayer Card making session at Northside Church on Wednesday, March 20th from 12:00 to 2:00 pm. Text me with any questions at 404-401-8317.
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