Good morning…
Up in the middle of the night, I research Kate Bowler’s new book, Good Enough: 40ish Devotionals for a Life of Imperfection. Let’s unpack three of the book quotes I love most.
- “Blessed am I when I strip away all the extra. When I see the world as it really is—broken, tender, fragile, beautiful. These are the same eyes that see God in everything too.”
We live lives of imperfection. Being honest about our fragile brokenness, we begin to see God at work. Healing. Strengthening. Making everything and everyone good enough, beautifully good enough. God, who was sitting on the throne, said, “I am making everything new!” (Revelation 21:5a EASY).
- “We become new people, slowly.”
As we fix our eyes on God, we are being transformed, metamorphosed, into His same image from one radiance of glory to another, just as the Spirit of the Lord accomplishes it (2 Corinthians 3:18b, VOICE). With God guiding our transformation, we slowly become new people.
- “Whether it is our parents, our teachers, mentors, friends, churches, or neighbors, people have been pouring into us. We are standing on a foundation. It should come as an incredible relief. Our only job is to build on what we’ve been given, and, even then, even our gifts we can trace back to the creativity, generosity, and foresight of others. Thank God we are a group project.”
We, my friends, are a group project. I really love this thought. Throughout our lifetime, God handpicks creative and generous people to pour into our daily lives. We, in turn, pour our unique gifts into the lives of others. We are all good enough just as we are AND God is not finished with any of us yet.
How might our ongoing transformation be a slow group project orchestrated by the Spirit of the living God?
P.S. Kate Bowler is coming to Atlanta, speaking at Peachtree Road United Methodist on Sunday, January 26th from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. Hope to see you there. You can get Tickets Here.