
Good morning…

This Sabbath Sunday is a unique one. As our bodies are held still at home, we refrain from gathering in large groups. Distancing from our normal “Cat in the Hat” balancing act, we slow down. We stay in. We sense God with our soul: “You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me” (Psalm 139:5, NIV). To hem means to form an edge around, to enclose with a border, to carefully confine inside. As we are encouraged to avoid hand to hand, breath to breath, face to face contact with other people, we are mostly pruned back to our true self, our closest loved ones, and our ever-present God. In this heightened hemmed in state, we notice three things:

  1. God has always had our back.
  2. God is constantly leading us forward.
  3. God’s protective hand gently lays upon us right now.

We are not alone. With God alone, we settle into our Source. Our trust in our everlasting LORD increases during our time away from all else. As we cut from our normal routine, we deepen down everything we need. Hand-in-hand, Breath-to-breath, Face-to-face, our heart whispers to God, “You have made known to me the ways of life; You will fill me [infusing my soul] with joy with Your presence” (Acts 2:28, AMP). The first half of this verse helps us to look back. God knows our past, our Creator been with us since before we were born. The second half of this verse helps us to look forward. God guides our future as we move into abundant, everlasting life. At the crossroads of right now, God is here. God is now. God is always, always with. God is infusing our souls with quiet joy, moment by moment. Any time of day or night we can receive this intimate infusion by looking back to God, envisioning forward with God, and sensing God’s Spirit filling us in the now.


P.S. Like many schools, churches, and organizations, Northside United Methodist Church is suspending all public gatherings for the next two weeks to help slow down the spread of the Coronavirus. We will not meet for Bible studies at the church or in our living room and our “Awake To Wholeness” Women’s Retreat is postponed until February 19th and 20th, 2021. Instead of gathering face to face, we will live-stream worship for our online faith community this morning at 9:45 and 11:00AM. Join us on Facebook or Vimeo at www.NorthsideUMC.org/live. You will also be able to view the services and sermon next week on the church’s Vimeo page. Will you join us in worship from the sanctuary of your home?

P.S.S. Thank you to our SueToYou.com web designer, Gina MacFarland, for the peaceful portion of her painting entitled “Home” photographed above.