
Good morning…

“I came home from the beautiful memorial service,” I wrote in my journal, “exhausted from listening, exhausted from crying, exhausted from socializing. But as I sit still with myself right now, I realize that the most exhausting thing for me is knowing that these could be our grieving children. With their three kids born in the same years as our four kids, how would we live on as a family without the solid support of Steve?”

Comparison can drive us crazy and comparison can spark compassion. I drifted to sleep for a long summer’s nap wrapping my prayers around these three young adults who are suddenly pushed into life’s deep end.

When you sing a song of joy to someone suffering in the deepest grief and heartache, it can be compared to disrobing in the middle of a blizzard or rubbing salt in a wound (Proverbs 25:20, TPT).

Instead of singing my own song of joy while this family is suffering, I deepen down to lift them up into the ever-presence of our loving LORD.

