
Good morning…

Last week, I went to a memorial service for a mother I never knew, Caroline Lamar Mason Gilham. I love her daughter, her granddaughters, her son-in-law, but I never knew Caroline, until I went to the service celebrating her eighty-five years of vibrant life.

The meditative music in the Preludes included so many old favorites. Lord of the Dance. Morning has broken. All things bright and beautiful. For the beauty of the earth. All Creatures of our God and King. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty. It is well with my soul. Love divine, all loves excelling. Joyful, joyful we adore thee. Carefully handpicked by Caroline over the past several months, this string of songs sang her life story without lifting a word.

When Caroline’s young adult granddaughters stepped up to the podium to read Isaiah 61:1-3, their simple black dresses provided a stunning contrast to the exquisite altar flowers. The flower arrangements, blooming a plethora of gorgeous colors, heights, and textures, were also perfectly pre-planned by the woman of the hour.

“Let not your heart be troubled,” later another set of grandkids shared words from John 14:1-7. “In My Father’s house are many mansions…I go to prepare a place for you…I will come again and receive you to Myself…that where I am, there you will be also.”

After a spectacular solo, the minister shared a very personal reflection. I jotted notes in my well-organized bulletin, a bulletin to which her daughter said Caroline provided twenty-one edits in her final weeks on earth. “Caroline Gillam was meticulous, precise in almost everything she did,” shared the pastor who loved her deeply. “‘All in,’ Caroline gave everything her all and taught us how to go ‘all in’ also.” If her husband Harry, who went to heaven a few years back, “was the Light of the world, then Caroline was the salt of the earth. Two marks of true Christian discipleship.” Church leader. Great gardener. Music lover. “Now resting and raised with Christ, Caroline loved the beauty and the order of this world, and we give thanks for her wondrous love.” On cue, the choir sang the anthem Wondrous Love.

Along with other hymns well-chosen by Caroline, we sang together How Great Thou Art. Now as we listen to this timeless classic, may we sense one deeply missed mother joining her colorful voice with her beloved husband and all the saints in heaven.
