Good morning…
Scrolling through photos I took over the weekend in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico, I am struck by the dichotomy of this expressive photo. Look at the details. What do you see?
Now up in the middle of the night, I reflect on my way of living and wonder, “Am I learning to welcome all or am I stuck in the habit of securing old, rusty locks?” In this immediate moment, a short poem knocks on the door to my inbox.
You are a guest.
Leave this earth a little more beautiful,
a little more human,
a little more lovable,
a little more fragrant,
for those unknown guests
who will be following you.
– Osho
I reflect back on the past twenty-four hours and think, “What kind of guest have I been?” Welcoming in or locking out? Enhancing or ignoring life’s beauty? Am I living human, lovable, fragrant?
What type of guests might you and I be, as we live this next twenty-four hours with God?
We turn to our Sustainer for help. You’ve always given me breathing room, a place to get away from it all, a lifetime pass to your safe-house, an open invitation as your guest. You’ve always taken me seriously, God, made me welcome… (Psalm 61:3-5, MSG).
Today, what might it mean for you and I to live out God’s “Welcome in?”