Good morning…
Today, January 6th, we celebrate Epiphany.
As I treasure hunt in these early morning hours, I learn some interesting things.
- The term Epiphany, based on the Greek word meaning “manifestation” or “revelation,” is a time to celebrate Christ’s revelation to the world.
- In the Bible, the Epiphany is Jesus’ visit from the Magi, aristocratic men from the east (often referred to as kings or wise men, non-Jewish Gentiles, for sure) who followed a star to see the newborn baby Jesus.
- Some believe Epiphany carries the message of faith in divine light, which guided the Magi to Bethlehem.
- Others interpret it as a celebration of Jesus coming to unite humankind as the true “king of kings,” savior to all people, the Light of the world.
- The Magi brought Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Gold was considered a symbol of kings, frankincense a perfume representing divinity and myrrh an anointing and embalming oil that symbolized death. In doing so, they show that Christ himself is the greatest gift to all humanity.
I met a perfect little poem for us this Epiphany, written years ago by Basil the Great (AD 330-379).
Stars cross the sky,
Wise men journey from pagan lands,
Earth receives its Saviour in a cave.
Let there be no one without a gift to offer,
no one without gratitude
as we celebrate the salvation of the world,
the birthday of the human race.
Now it is no longer,
“Dust you are and to dust you shall return”,
But, “You are joined to Heaven and to Heaven you shall be taken up”.
With wise men and women across the globe, today we celebrate the salvation of the world, God’s greatest gift to all humanity. With the manifestation of the living Christ, we are forever joined to Heaven and, when the moment is right, to Heaven we shall be taken up.
Later, in one of his talks, Jesus said to the people, “I am the Light of the world. So if you follow me, you won’t be stumbling through the darkness, for living light will flood your path” (John 8:12, TLB).
What an Epiphany!