
Good morning…

As I woke in the dark, I was drawn outside to water our very, very thirsty plants. The brilliant light of the moon and the stars startled me amazed. I snapped a photo, turned on the sprinkler, and, beside our two dogs, I sipped on my coffee beneath our back porch.

“God, what is mine to do today?” I wondered to myself amid a myriad of possibilities. “Lord, where might I start?”

As I noticed the sun trying to wake up in the east, a string of simple needs caught my quiet eyes. A wiggling worm needed help to the grass. Our citronella plants yearned to be freed of their many dry leaves. A single piece of orange trash needed to be picked up. Then just as the uneventful sun rose, I noticed a tiny praying mantis resting on a wet plant.

“Pray. Pray. Pray,” I sensed from the creature. “Pray throughout the day.” For you and I, this is the only way to know what is ours to do with each new day.


Slowly the “Welcoming Prayer” returned to my mind, and I revisited the words sent by my spiritual director this week.


Welcome. Welcome. Welcome.

I welcome everything that comes to me today because it is for my healing.

I welcome all thoughts, feelings, emotions, persons, situations, and conditions.

I let go of my desire for power and control.

I let go of my desire for affection, esteem, approval, and pleasure.

I let go of my desire to change any situation, condition, person or myself.

I open to the love and presence of God, and God’s healing action within.



It dawned on me that this would be the opening prayer for the spiritual direction session I would soon host at our home. In a shorter version, I recalled, the “Welcoming Prayer” might be reduced to one simple sentence: “I release my desire for affection, security and control and embrace this moment just as it is.”

Then, no lie, in the next moment, I opened a text from a longtime friend and found the gift of the song below, Ryan Stevenson’s music video “Just As You Are.” Being fully loved by God just as I am, in the moment just as it is, this is the starting place for every new day. From there, minute by minute, I will welcome, welcome, welcome whatever comes next.

Be generous with me and I’ll live a full life; not for a minute will I take my eyes off your road. Open my eyes so I can see what you show me of your miracle-wonders (Psalm 119:17-18, MSG).
