Good morning…
There is enough chaotic doom and gloom to fill every ounce of every day, but my attention is not drawn there. My focus deepens from the surface of things to form a quiet prayer, “LORD, what is my work to do in this wounding world?”
A poem by Mary Oliver, read aloud to me by a soul friend, helps to put flesh on the bones of who I am.
Now let’s read it aloud privately, as slowly as we possibly can. What words tickle our senses? What thoughts leap for joy from the page?

For the first time I ask myself, “Why is this poem entitled Messenger?” I sit with the question as insight unfolds.
Keeping our mind on what matters most, we do our daily work. Standing still. Learning to be astonished. Being filled with gratitude as we are given a mind, a heart, a rejoicing mouth. Over and over, we say each day, “With God, we live forever.”
As we do our work of loving the world, we become God’s messenger.
Light in a messenger’s eyes brings joy to the heart (Proverbs 15:30a, NIV).
A messenger you can trust is just as refreshing as cool water in summer (Proverbs 25:13, CEV).
How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of a messenger who proclaims peace, who brings good news, who proclaims salvation… “Your God rules!” (Isaiah 52:7, CEB).