Good morning…
When yesterday’s message was finally healed of its technical glitches, the post ended with a piercing rendition of “His Eye Is On The Sparrow.” Now I am drawn to the chapter about sparrows in a book I was given for Christmas, “Consider the Birds” by Debbie Blue.
“I am completely taken with Jesus’ stance toward the unlovable and seemingly worthless,” writes Blue. “I really believe this is the kind of God we need. A God who is attentive to the sparrow.”
“In Psalm 84, the psalmist sings of God’s sanctuary, about how lovely it is and about how his soul longs, yea, faints for it,” Blue continues. “His heart sings for joy to the living God who provides it – even the sparrow finds a home and the swallow a nest in the safe and beautiful place. We need the kind of God who shelters the sparrow. What other kind of God could find a place for us? There is nothing that is worthless to God, nothing that God doesn’t take up in God’s embrace.”
“In Luke, Jesus says, not one sparrow is forgotten by God.” Blue concludes, “This seems ludicrously compassionate.” (146-147)
Whenever I feel unlovable, worthless, dismissed like a dime-a-dozen sparrow, I must remember, “I am not forgotten by God.” I long for a place of safe embrace, to nest in God’s ludicrous compassion.
How blessed are those who make Your house their home,
who live with You…
Blessed are those who make You their strength,
for they treasure every step of the journey… (Psalm 84:4-5, VOICE).