Good morning…
Each new year, I sit still and ask, “God, what word might guide my living this year?”
As I sat and I wondered, an answer dawned.

I was surprised by the word less.
Less worry. Less hurry. Less striving. Less criticism. “Huh,” I thought. “Sometimes less is truly more.”
Then I got in the car and I drove to our therapeutic community group. Our leader taught us about the value of winter. Winter offers clarity. More visibility. More light. “There’s less in the way,” she said.
There was my word, less.
We were asked to ponder the question, “What truly matters to me?”
We were asked to give three one-word answers. Instead I chose four silent images. My soul somehow sensed: The more words you speak, the less they mean (Ecclesiastes 6:11a, TLB).

God, what truly matters this year?
Jesus must become more important, while I become less (John 3:30, CEV).
P.S. By 9:00 am, I got this text and image from my friend in Jacksonville, Florida. “Literally gave these to my Bible study girls this morning – John 3:30! – God in stereo!!”
The Spirit of God, active and living among us, totally cracks me up!