Good morning…

Billy Graham drifted home to heaven, and I can imagine God smiling big: “You did Billy Graham really well.” The influential person of faith God envisioned, when he knit Billy together in his mother’s womb, is likely very similar to the Billy who now rests at peace forever, the Billy we see in this video tribute:

There was never before and will never again be another Billy Graham. Billy Graham lived Billy Graham very well, never to be duplicated. So when we get to heaven we will not be asked, “Why were you not Billy Graham?” We will be asked, “Why were you not you?”

Of our Creator it is says: …He gives life, breath, and everything else to all people. …He isn’t far from any of us, and he gives us the power to live, to move, and to be who we are (Acts 17:25b, 28a, CEV).

I pray that when we each meet God, smiling face to smiling face, our ears will hear: “Welcome home, my child. You are the ‘you’ I had in mind before I gifted you with breath.” What a joy this sentence will be for me: “You did Sue Allen really well.”
