Good morning…
Without our dogs, I would miss so much. Finger-to-fur time. Companionship on walks. Eyes that melt the tensions of life. Adorable sleeping snores. The loud lapping of water. The funny habit of flipping and chasing food. A loving ear to lean on, always. Whole-bodied happiness as anyone walks in the door. Without our dogs, I would miss so much.
Top on my list today is this: I would have missed my peek at this incredible sky. If our dogs did not need to go out first thing in the morning, I would have forfeited these few moments of awe, admiring in our front yard the gorgeous rising sun. Pretty pastels painting the sky were just here briefly, before disippating, gone. Duration is no measure of life’s astounding beauty.

It is easy to stay beneath my roof, focused on the pressing matters at hand, but our dogs get me out into God’s daily brilliance. As I excitedly anticipate introducing Tate and Gracie to tonight’s full moon, I think “It’s no wonder dog and God share the same three letters, back and forth, day and night.”
In His own perfect time, He will come—blessed is the only Sovereign, the King of kings, and the Lord of lords. He alone possesses immortality; He makes His home in matchless, blinding, brilliant light that no one can approach—no mortal has ever even seen Him, and no human can. So let it be that all honor and eternal power are His. Amen (1 Timothy 6:15-17, VOICE).
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