
Good morning…

WOW. What a wedding. Our family of six grew another daughter on Sunday, as Chandler and Kyler Allen became husband and wife.


Here are my top three Wonder Of Wonders.

WOW #1: The Lord drew these two faithful young people together in an undeniable way, and God’s Spirit was so palpable all weekend long.

WOW #2: We were grateful for our family and friends who traveled from Ohio, Pennsylvania, Nebraska, North Carolina, and Georgia. With limited space on the guest list, many of you were with us in Spirit. Your kind texts and emails meant so much to me. My parents joined us from the hospital in Ohio following my mom’s surgery that morning to remove a section of her intestine. Thanks for your continued prayers for her healing.


WOW #3: After the hurricane passed through Charleston, the humidity and temperatures dropped drastically. We enjoyed cool, breezy, marvelous weather in the shade of four hundred year old trees.

Professional pictures will be ours soon enough, but for now cell phone photos capture God’s WOW. Many, Lord my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare (Psalm 40:5, NIV).

I am so grateful to God for our expanding family and our faithful web of prayerful friends.
