Good morning…
Brewing coffee for my dad and myself, I drank from her “Yeah Mom!” mug. Before surgery to repair her broken hip, I was so grateful to see my mom, to kiss her on the forehead, and to share with her my love. After my sister took me to the airport for my return trip back to Atlanta, I was glued to our family text string throughout the day.
“Just talked to the surgeon before mom’s surgery,” wrote my sister. “He said that the break is a little below the hip, so he will have to put a rod in. It’s a little more complicated surgery than hoped.” The surgery began at 2:02 pm, and at 3:15 pm the text came in, “Mom’s out of surgery.” The surgeon said that everything went well. Once she gets out of the hospital, she will probably be recovering at the care center for several weeks at their senior living community.
My siblings and I play different roles within our extended family. A few months back, I brought home this handmade sketch from Goodwill. For me, it depicts the oneness we experience as we blend together to offer loving support for our mom and our dad.

Living forty-five minutes away from my parents, my sister gives the lions share of hands-on support. My brother (a two and a half hour drive away) and I (separated by a short plane ride) add our loving presence through constant prayers, periodic visits, and regular calls and texts. Blending together as a threesome, we gently rest with God.
Bonding over distance, facing the unknown ahead, we as a family are leaning into the promise of Exodus 14:14 (AMPC). The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace and remain at rest.
Peacefully resting with the Lord, might you and your family do the same, bonding over distance and facing the unknown ahead?
P.S. A huge thanks goes out to all of you in our written word community who have texted love, emailed support, and joined our extended family in deep-seated prayers. Let’s hold our peace and remain at rest, as the Lord fights to heal our mother whole. Yeah Mom!
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