Good morning…
When heading into a brand new year, we face a plethora of possibilities. Developing the art of discernment, 92 year old Betty Skinner recommends, “Be inspired, not impulsive.” Impulsive is rash, quick, emotionally reactive. Inspired is walking “in-sync with the Spirit,” calmly seeking and sensing, “Does this opportunity deserve my yes or my no?” Flipping back to a dog-eared page, here is some wisdom that may help us more deeply discover the guidance of God.
Excerpt from Lisa Terkeurst’s The Best Yes: Making Wise Decisions In The Midst of Endless Demands
- It feels thrilling to say yes to this now. But how will this yes feel two weeks, two months, and six months from now?
- Do any of the expectations that come from this yes feel forced or frantic?
- Could any part of this yes be tied to people pleasing and allowing that desire to skew my judgement of what’s realistic and unrealistic?
- Which wise (older, grounded in God’s Word, more experienced, and more mature) people in my life think this is a good idea?
- Are there any facts I try to avoid or hide when discussing this with my wise advisors?
I’m sure there are other questions along this line to think through when determining realistic expectations. Tweak this list as it applies to your situation. But please don’t skip this process. Yes, it takes time. But it’s worth it.
Evaluation eliminates frustration. (119-120)
Lifting our sail into the wind of the Spirit, we will be inspired to say no to lesser things, as we are carried into the heart of God’s best yes.
Whatever answer you sense from God, however and whenever you sense it: Just say ‘yes’ and ‘no.’ When you manipulate words to get your own way, you go wrong (Matthew 5:37, MSG).