
Good morning…

Yesterday, I received this precious birthday card from my parents in Ohio. It blended beautifully with the touching poem I received at 7:30 am. “Birth-day” by Lucille Clifton blessed my inbox. The poem’s first words and final words sum up our life at every age.

today we are possible.

what we will become
waits in us like an ache.

The particulars of our uniquely possible life, these particulars lie beyond our understanding, tucked in the huge heart of God.

We cannot wrap our minds around God’s wisdom and knowledge! Its depths can never be measured! We cannot understand His judgments or explain the mysterious ways that He works! For,

Who can fathom the mind of the Lord?
    Or who can claim to be His advisor? (Romans 11:32-34, VOICE).

Moment after moment, our best choice is to trust, to yield, to surrender into God’s unfathomable ways. The mysterious beauty of our one particular life is always waiting, aching to become.

How does this holy ache feel for you today?


Learn to love the way you live your own particular life – with laughter, kindness, and grace. You have experienced the Spirit He gave you in powerful ways. Miracle after miracle has occurred right before your eyes (Galatians 3:5a, VOICE).

Birth-day after birth-day, might we be guided by this mysterious “ache of becoming”?


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