
Good morning…

I am not the only one wrestling with this year’s unique experience of heading “back to school.” Children and teacher, parents and grandparents, caregivers and concerned folk everywhere are all wondering, “How do we do this school year well?” Earlier in the week, our church sent out a specialized prayer. Wherever we wake this Sunday morning, we come together as the bonded body of Christ. Spirit joins with Spirit as we lift our hearts in prayer for the education of the youngest among us.

Let us pray —

Lord, we know you hold the future and walk with us even now on this unpredictable path of the pandemic. We trust you work through the most difficult of seasons and never abandon us to navigate life’s challenges alone.

As we look to a new school year, we worry about the ongoing impact of COVID-19. It seems to be a time of no right answers, no clear good choices and no comprehensive way for parents, educators, and administrators to meet the pressing needs of students, teachers, staff, and families. We do not want children to fall further behind in their learning. We do not want to put caregivers in the position of choosing between going to work or tending to their children. We do not want to endanger the health of any in our community. Already stretched resources are pushed to the limit as we attempt to reduce class sizes, expand the ways content is delivered, and seek to enact needed safety precautions.

We look to you, Lord, to take, bless, and multiply our efforts to educate and nurture your children. We look to you, Lord, who gives us the peace that passes understanding, hears the cries of the hurting and promises that small amounts of faith can precipitate large, life-giving change. We look to you, loving God, for wisdom, for courage, for inspiration, for creativity.

As we make difficult decisions in an unprecedented time, grant us an unshakable commitment to one another, especially to the most vulnerable among us. Send your Spirit to open our eyes to the new thing you are doing. Send your Spirit to open our ears to the voices we need most to hear. Send your Spirit to open our hearts to the profound love you have for us all so that everything we do in this time of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty reveals your compassion, kindness and grace. Send your Spirit to comfort and direct us as we humbly look to you for guidance and strength. Amen. Copied from the Presbyterian Outlook

The beauty of prayer is that it is both a solitary experience and a collective endeavor. As God fills each of our surrendered hearts, we are empowered to be the living body of Christ on earth. God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it (1 Corinthians 12:24b-27, NIV). I am grateful to be an active part of the constantly connected body of Christ with you.


P.S. Photo from

P.S.S. We invite you to join us at Northside Church for our new hours of online worship.

8:00AM · Traditional Worship
9:00AM · Contemporary Worship
11:15AM · Traditional Worship

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