
Good morning…

These three annual words are more complicated this year. “Back to school” means virtual learning for many. “Back to school” for others means social distancing, mask-wearing, quarantining when exposed to COVID-19. “Back to school” for our family means the end of an era.

Today, we will pack up two cars, drive seventy-five minutes to Athens, Georgia, and launch our youngest of four into his freshman year of college. Walking and talking with a friend yesterday, she asked, “You have known this day was coming since the day he was born. Now that he is actually leaving home, how do you feel?”

“Ready,” I heard myself say calmly. “He’s ready. I’m ready. We all feel really ready.”

Of one thing I am certain: my soul has become calm, quiet, and contented in You. Like a weaned child resting upon his mother, I am quiet. My soul is like this weaned child (Psalm 131:2, VOICE).

My deepest dependency is upon God, I am certainly contented in You, Lord. Like a child who is no longer famished, unconsolable, crying to be filled, I am quiet, calm, content. My soul is like a weaned child returning back to school, my settled soul trusts: “God’s best is yet to come.” Heading back to school this one-of-a-kind year, God’s best is yet to come for our son, for our family, and for all of us who are resting in deep dependency upon our Sustainer in every season.


P.S. Photo from