
Good morning…

When I was a young mom of four little kids, a wise woman from our church shared an important nugget of wisdom. “Children are not for molding,” she said. “Children are for unfolding.” Through the change in one single word, God continues to guide me.

To me, molding means pushing, shaping, exerting control. The change of form comes from outside forces, “I have the answers. I know what’s best.” Unfolding is the opposite experience. The blossoming energy comes from within. The process of unfolding offers kind breathing space, a deep sense of trust in life’s natural expansion, and a respectful admiration for whatever opens up into mysteriously more.

Might we treat this new year like a newborn child?

You’ve had a taste of God.

Now, like infants at the breast,

drink deep of God’s pure kindness.

Then you’ll grow up mature and whole in God (1 Peter 2:2-3, MSG).

Drawing nourishment directly from God, day and night, night and day, might we gradually unfold into all of the growth God is nurturing this year?


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