
Good morning…

Yesterday, my dad sent me a really encouraging article. After offering nineteen powerful thoughts, the author concludes, “Find one, two or 10 you can relate to — and use them effectively in your daily life.”

I actually found five which speak to me most loudly. Now as you read through these nuggets of wisdom, which top one might you choose to focus your attention on today?


January 02 – 19 Powerful Thoughts by Annie Macmanus

As we prepare for another year, these 19 life lessons are powerful, thoughtful and worth remembering:

1. Don’t exercise to be thin. Exercise to be strong.

3. Start or end every day with writing about your life. There’s always something buried underneath the to-do list in your head, something you didn’t realize you felt, that when written down, will make everything clearer.

9. You know you’re in a long-term relationship when alongside the empathy you have for your partner’s sadness, you feel irritation. Because their sadness directly affects yours.

10. The small details of your day matter. Be it your first cup of coffee in the morning or the way you make your bed, or a walk through the park on the way to work. Life is year upon year of stacked up small joys like these. Take pleasure and pride in them.

15. Change is good when it’s enforced by you. Take the reins of it. Push into it. Know as much as you can about where you’re going. You’ll never know everything, though, and that’s a good thing.


Exercise. Daily writing. Irritating sadness. Stacked up small joys. Change is good.

Which of these five topics whispers your name right now?

Might you spend some quality time really listening to yourself? Together we have discovered: “Listening is the highest form of love.”

For every day is filled with pain and every job has its own problems, and there are nights when the mind doesn’t stop and rest. And once again, this is fleeting. There is nothing better than for people to eat and drink and to see the good in their hard work. These beautiful gifts, I realized, too, come from God’s hand. For who can eat and drink and enjoy the good things if not me? (Ecclesiastes 2:23-25, VOICE).


P.S. I am home in Atlanta now, but my mom in Ohio is hoping to be discharged from the hospital today. Thank you so much for your continued prayers, as my parents eat, drink and enjoy the good things.


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