Being Freed From Anxiety

Good morning... In yesterday's post, I revealed a strange truth: "I Feel Like Gumby." Stirred awake by the Spirit in the early morning hours, I stretch wide in prayer to hold the deep needs of many. Interestingly, my elementary drawing of this flexible green Gumby now morphs into a new form of creative expression with God. Through colorful, [...]

By |2023-02-08T06:34:44-05:00February 8th, 2023|Anxiety, Everyday life, Prayer|

My Mug Shots

Good morning... "In every picture you take at PAWkids, you exude such joy," said a trusted friend. I'm beginning to realize that the joy we exude offers an "X marks the spot" revelation. A sensation of joyful passion is a great indicator of where and with whom God might want us to invest our time and our talents. [...]

By |2023-02-03T10:27:35-05:00February 3rd, 2023|Everyday life, God's Plan, Spiritual Gifts|

Sitting With The Broken

Good morning... A forever friend sent me the image above. "I'm not interested in whether you've stood with the great. I'm interested in whether you've sat with the broken." True. Tender. Touching. I sense the nod of God. Words we read aloud in our Sunday afternoon class now bring this quote to life. ****** Excerpt from pages 17 [...]

By |2023-02-01T07:45:41-05:00January 31st, 2023|Everyday life, God's Love, Imperfection|

Grief And Gratefulness

Good morning... "And here is the miracle —" writes poet Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer, "to find in grief not only sorrow but a ravenous gratefulness for life, to find in loss not only emptiness but an unimaginable abundance. It doesn’t happen in a day, no, not even in a year, but who said miracles need be instantaneous." Words from [...]

By |2023-01-30T00:31:01-05:00January 31st, 2023|Everyday life, Gratitude, Grief|

You Make Beautiful Things

Good morning... The praise band led us in a meaningful song. I thought of all the dusty rubble blanketing Ukraine. All our living bodies that came from dust and will someday return. The humbling pain of the lost, the grieving, the vulnerable. The organic growth of hope that mysteriously sprouts from our chaos. Revisiting the simple lyrics now, [...]

By |2023-01-30T08:58:02-05:00January 30th, 2023|Everyday life, God's Plan, Organic Growth|

Living Fully In Toxic Times

Good morning... As we move through this first month of this brand new year, we are repeatedly reminded that the world's ways oppose the ways of God. War. Greed. Violence. Injustice. Innocent death after innocent death. How are we to respond? Becoming a vessel of healing light and resurrected life in today's toxic times, we deepen down into [...]

By |2023-01-28T01:36:31-05:00January 28th, 2023|Everyday life, God's Love, Joy|

He Is Here

Good morning... "As I let our little dog outside in the middle of this cold, dark night..." began our windchime blog post from yesterday. "I was feeding my adopted cat this morning..." later came her witty reply, an email entitled He Is Here. "I was walking back in the house to wash my hands. Happened to look down [...]

By |2023-01-26T08:09:11-05:00January 26th, 2023|Everyday life, God's Love, Mystery|

What Do Windchimes Whisper?

Good morning... As I let our little dog outside in the middle of this cold, dark night, my ears breathe in the music of our loudly dancing windchimes. Unseen. Untethered. Uncontrollable. The mystery of Movement plays all around me. My mind drifts to thoughts of yesterdays and yesteryears. I call to mind my music; it keeps me company [...]

By |2023-01-25T02:56:33-05:00January 25th, 2023|Community, Everyday life, Trust God|

When I Feel Unlovable

Good morning... When yesterday's message was finally healed of its technical glitches, the post ended with a piercing rendition of "His Eye Is On The Sparrow." Now I am drawn to the chapter about sparrows in a book I was given for Christmas, "Consider the Birds" by Debbie Blue. "I am completely taken with Jesus' stance toward the [...]

By |2023-01-24T01:23:26-05:00January 24th, 2023|Everyday life, God's Love, Home|

Free Medicine Heals

Good morning... In our weekly therapeutic community group at PAWkids, we gather with men and women from different backgrounds, with different skin colors, different ages, different life stages. What do we all have in common? We all face various challenges in our daily lives. We all need God's healing power. We are all constantly learning what it means [...]

By |2023-01-18T02:26:30-05:00January 18th, 2023|Abundance, Everyday life, Healing|
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