Be The One

Good morning... After a tragic weekend when more innocent, voiceless people lost their lives to a bullying bullets, her blessing came as a breath of fresh hope. "Saw this online today and it made me think of you and your butterflies," she wrote. "May we all 'be the one.' xo." "Wow. I absolutely love this," I said, especially after [...]

By |2019-08-11T08:40:50-04:00August 5th, 2019|Authenticity, Community, Everyday life, God's Love|

Relish Real Life

Good morning... Getting up regularly in the wee hours of the night, I often drift to sleep when we sit down to watch a movie. This weekend we watched About Time, a 2013 film that tickled my heart, waking up my full attention. Enjoy these smiley quotes from this endearing movie. Remember, our Message is not about ourselves; [...]

By |2019-07-22T07:22:54-04:00July 23rd, 2019|Abundance, Everyday life, Family and Friends, God's Love, Joy|

Do NOT Be My Friend

Good morning... With loss after loss after loss, it feels like tragedy swarms like bees around me and my husband. I sometimes feel like whispering a warning to people, "Do NOT be our friend." My fearful thinking continues: "Because if you are our friend, deep pain may descend." Then one of you wrote me a truly touching email [...]

By |2019-07-21T08:59:09-04:00July 22nd, 2019|Community, Friendship, God's Love, Loss|

Rest Here

Good morning... "Hi Sue," one of you wrote earlier in the week, after watching the video of Michaelanglo's statue, the Pieta. "The words of healing and strength from you and others is always needed and much appreciated. I hesitated to share my Pieta experience since it doesn’t reflect deep sorrow or grief, but it shares a small taste [...]

By |2019-07-20T14:52:20-04:00July 20th, 2019|Anxiety, God's Love, Grief, Healing|

Pulled Up From The Pit

Good morning... "Thank you for your blog," she wrote after our post Someone You Know Needs This. "As there are no coincidences, the Jesus Calling message for the same day, July 16th, is along the same lines." Responding to God's nuanced nudge, I google the July 16th message and, through author Sarah Young, God whispers these words. ****** [...]

By |2019-07-21T08:20:27-04:00July 18th, 2019|Depression, God's Love, Healing, Light In Darkness, Trust God|

We Comfort Each Other

Good morning... Artists over the years have depicted differently the lifesaving sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Replaying in my mind is the intimate video of the statue Pieta shared in yesterday's post, Savor Sabbath: From Pain To Peace. Michelango deeply depicts not only Jesus' full-bodied surrender, but the suffering sacrifice of his mother, Mary. After viewing this video yesterday, one [...]

By |2019-07-21T04:08:55-04:00July 15th, 2019|Death And Resurrection, God's Love, Grief, Jesus Christ|

Pitiful Post

Good morning... "Pitiful post." I was woken from sleep yesterday morning, almost hearing audibly, "Pitiful post." I scurried out of bed and grabbed my phone. Had someone judged negatively Friday's message, We Honor Cole's Life? No. No judgement. I felt relieved. All of the responses received from yesterday's post were loving and affirming, from people grieving alongside me [...]

By |2019-07-13T10:17:25-04:00July 13th, 2019|Anxiety, God's Love, Healing, Trust God|

Do You Ever Feel Judged?

Good morning... Over the years, my husband and I have been criticized, subtly and not-so-subtly, for not being “Christian” enough. Has similar judgement ever happened to you? People judging people feels so toxic. Can’t you see the central issue in all this? It is not what you and I do…It is what God is doing, and he is creating something [...]

By |2019-07-10T09:26:21-04:00July 10th, 2019|Everyday life, God's Love, Light In Darkness, Spiritual Growth|

Glow Like Stars

Good morning... "Good morning Sue," a subscriber wrote from miles away. "I’m so, so sorry for the weight of grief and sadness you must carry - I thought of a quote I read just last week that was posted by Sarah Williams, a mother grieving the loss of her toddler: 'I have loved the stars too fondly to [...]

By |2019-07-09T07:34:17-04:00July 9th, 2019|Community, God's Love, Grief, Light In Darkness, Trust God|

Savor Sabbath: Another Tragedy

Good morning... Yesterday morning, tragedy cut short the life of another young man, a young man for whom I love to serve homemade Stromboli. Now, huddled together, we nestle into the nurturing nest God has built for our online community. How do we respond to this special kind of grief, processing the life-changing loss of family and friends [...]

By |2019-07-07T10:02:33-04:00July 7th, 2019|Community, God's Love, Grief, Loss, Sabbath|
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