Ah-ha Moments

Good morning... "Sue - I’m having the most amazing ah-ha moments right now," she wrote. "I had to share this with you, both, because it relates to your recent stories of friendships dying & because I’m so grateful God is walking beside me so closely, leading me to new understanding & transformation - some truths I think I’ve been [...]

By |2020-10-15T05:16:50-04:00October 15th, 2020|Abundance, Death And Resurrection, Everyday life, God's Plan, Healing|

A Friend Understands

Good morning... In her text yesterday she made reference to her all time favorite blog post. I dug around and found it. I first shared this message with our online community on my birthday, March 23rd, in 2015. ****** Welcome Aboard the Train of Life by Sue Allen When we are born, our Creator pushes us from the [...]

By |2020-10-14T05:03:56-04:00October 14th, 2020|Everyday life, Friendship, God's Plan, Gratitude, Letting Go|

I Am Uncomfortable

Good morning... From Canada she sent a nurturing nugget. I must say, "Personally I am wading through the uncomfortable waters of unfamiliarity." Seeing footage of people carrying long guns in the chaos of American streets. My heart slowly growing awareness of the unequal treatment of people of color and the ugly shades of ongoing injustice. Policemen, [...]

By |2020-09-25T13:07:34-04:00September 25th, 2020|Awareness, Community, Everyday life, God's Plan, Healing|

Here’s My Advice

Good morning... If you have been tracking God's recent movement in my life, you realize that I feel feeble and powerless as I try to hold steady my small sails, seeking to catch the strong, healing winds of God's powerful Spirit. Writing from scratch a companion study to Anne Morrow Lindbergh's classic Gift from the Sea feels like [...]

By |2020-09-19T09:14:42-04:00September 19th, 2020|Anxiety, Discernment, Fear, God's Plan|

This Is A God-Thing

Good morning... The sun rises on the first day of our interactive, online study of Anne Morrow Lindbergh's 1955 classic Gift from the Sea. This companion study includes book excerpts recorded from the beach, Scriptures, music videos, and questions to ponder. I just checked our class roster and sixty-three women have signed up to join us on this God-inspired [...]

By |2020-09-14T03:22:45-04:00September 14th, 2020|Authenticity, Community, Everyday life, God's Plan, Spiritual Growth|

From Bad To Greater Good

Good morning... As our website crashed this week, I anxiously worried, "That's bad!" Then, just like in one of our kids' favorite books, my initial "That's bad!" surprisingly morphed into "That's good!" Let me tell you the story. In this delightful yellow book, a little boy has a comical series of mishaps as his visit to [...]

By |2020-09-08T10:01:29-04:00September 8th, 2020|Anxiety, Everyday life, God's Plan, Gratitude, Imperfection|

Learn To Be Still

Good morning... I have loved classic rock music for as long as I can remember but, in his devotional message yesterday, our pastor introduced me to an Eagles song I had never met before. I googled the lyrics and enjoyed my new discovery. ****** Learn to Be Still by the Eagles It's just another day in paradise As [...]

By |2020-08-28T09:35:13-04:00August 29th, 2020|Everyday life, God's Plan, Human Nature, Silence And Solitude, Trust God|


Good morning... A few months back, the leaders on the computer screen above asked me to be the 2020 kick-off speaker for the Lovett Moms In Prayer group, a group of mothers who pray weekly for our school and our community, our teachers and our administrators, our world and our children, kindergarten through twelfth grade. Speaking with this [...]

By |2020-08-26T04:04:59-04:00August 25th, 2020|Anxiety, God's Plan, Transformation, Trust God|

Where Do We Begin?

Good morning... Amid the turmoil of a powerful pandemic, years of racial injustice, and economic and political upheaval, how are you and I to be the church when many church doors are closed? As the living body of Christ in our hurting world, where do we begin? Refreshing young artist Danielle Coke brings to life Fredrick Buechner's [...]

By |2020-08-17T05:40:15-04:00August 17th, 2020|Authenticity, Community, Discernment, Everyday life, God's Plan|
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