Be The Ball

Good morning... Being with my spiritual mentor Betty Skinner last weekend reminds me of the "Be the Ball" scene from the 1980 movie Caddyshack. Traveling to Ponte Vedra, Florida to visit with 93-year-old Betty, I had questions about life, about faith, about God. I have admired the way Betty has landed herself in the center of God's will for [...]

By |2019-11-01T09:55:03-04:00November 2nd, 2019|Everyday life, God's Plan, True Self, Trust God|

Our Source Of Life

Good morning... I just happened upon a Scripture verse that sums up our Source of eros, life-giving energy. 1 John 5:6-8 in The Message translation says: Jesus—the Divine Christ! He experienced a life-giving birth and a death-killing death. Not only birth from the womb, but baptismal birth of his ministry and sacrificial death. And all the while the Spirit is [...]

By |2019-10-20T09:09:03-04:00October 14th, 2019|Abundance, Death And Resurrection, God's Plan, Jesus Christ|

Our Hidden Power

Good morning... I was captivated by yesterday's post on The Hidden Life Awakened website, a website beautifully created by the co-author of a book with the same name, my dear friend Kitty Crenshaw. The blog post reminded me of the life-giving wisdom I soaked in from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm last Friday at the University of Georgia [...]

By |2019-10-04T07:52:10-04:00October 4th, 2019|Everyday life, God's Plan, Healing, Spiritual Growth|

When We Feel Useless

Good morning... "Dear friend, as always, I am SOO PROUD of you for this wonderful birth," she wrote after yesterday's post, I Just Birthed A Baby. "You are just in an amazing season of being highly in tune with God's rhythm." She continued: "When you asked the question of us however, what am I pregnant with? I burst [...]

By |2019-10-02T08:12:21-04:00October 2nd, 2019|Depression, Everyday life, God's Plan, God's Timing|

Look Upside-Down

Good morning... At 3:00 am we received yesterday's post, Will You Fall Upward? Without skipping a beat, at 5:01 am I received in my inbox the continuation of God's life-giving lesson through the morning meditation of Henri Nouwen Society. ****** Henri Nouwen Society DAILY MEDITATION - SEPTEMBER 27, 2019 Our life is a short opportunity to say yes [...]

By |2019-09-27T06:01:13-04:00September 28th, 2019|Death And Resurrection, Everyday life, God's Plan, Mystery, Trust God|

Here Is Where We Differ

Good morning... Okay. I have to admit. I left out one sentence from the Parker Palmer quote highlighted in our previous two posts. This sentence stood out to me like a sore thumb. We all differ in myriad ways, and this one sentence sums up one way my belief differs from the truth expressed on page 98 of [...]

By |2019-09-25T10:24:11-04:00September 25th, 2019|Abundance, Community, Death And Resurrection, God's Plan, Trust God|

Our Conversation Continues

Good morning... After I shared with you an image and a paraphrase of Zepheniah 3:17 from the inspirational September newsletter sent by one of my spiritual mentors, Jan Johnson, one of you shared with me encouraging words from the September newsletter of one of your spiritual mentors, Amy Julia Becker. ****** Dear friends, What do speaking to 70 [...]

By |2019-09-18T05:21:14-04:00September 18th, 2019|Community, Everyday life, God's Plan, Spiritual Growth, Trust God|

We Live In Layers

Good morning... There are so many different aspects of life, various layers of you, me, and us. Football and fantasies. Fighting and friendship. Fun, food, and family. Hurricanes and helpers. Heartache and healing. Hardness, hurriedness, and hopefulness. Wasteful and wonderful. Whining and wondering. Waiting, watching, and "What if?" Individually and collectively, we are a moving mass of living layers. Our daily [...]

By |2019-09-07T08:30:17-04:00September 7th, 2019|Community, Death And Resurrection, Everyday life, God's Plan, Human Nature|

When We Feel Broken

Good morning... I find my mind lifting prayers for devastated Dorian victims in The Bahamas and those most vulnerable residents on our eastern shores. As a symbol of silent solidarity, yesterday I wore this necklace, reminding myself, "With God as our glue, we will heal whole together." Made with a stone I picked up on a Bahamian beach in [...]

By |2019-09-05T07:04:48-04:00September 5th, 2019|Community, Death And Resurrection, God's Plan, Healing|

One Class Leads To Many

Good morning... It is bittersweet for me to help craft words for the final email sent out to our August Enneagram class. Included here are the notes from last week's teaching, the focus for this week's lesson, and a link to register for fall classes at Northside Church, which begin the week of September 9th. What a joy [...]

By |2019-08-26T07:24:40-04:00August 26th, 2019|Authenticity, Community, God's Plan, Joy, Spiritual Growth|
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