A Small Seed Of Hope

Good morning... Last Monday afternoon and last Friday morning in our Self to Lose, Self to Find classes, we read the book excerpts highlighted in yesterday's post, How Our True Self Grows. In between these two discussions of a fascinating "seed" analogy, on Wednesday night I taught our young mom's class at church. As we explored the introduction [...]

By |2024-02-08T08:51:17-05:00February 8th, 2024|New From Old, Organic Growth, Trust God|

How Our True Self Grows

Good morning... Our book for the semester is fascinating. Self to Lose, Self to Find: Using the Enneagram To Uncover Your True, God-Gifted Self by Marilyn Vancil offers mind-blowing wisdom, stretching us in intriguing, new ways. Join me now as we ponder an amazing "seed" analogy which tangibly describes the interaction between our Adapted Self (the self to [...]

By |2024-02-08T00:57:19-05:00February 7th, 2024|Authenticity, New From Old, Organic Growth, True Self|

Key Questions For This New Year

Good morning... I am not sure how I missed it, but this poem came into my email on New Year's Day. Maybe I did not have the time, the margin, the courage to consider these key questions then. Now seems like the perfect moment for me to ponder this powerful poem. Are you open to joining me, friend? [...]

By |2024-01-08T05:07:36-05:00January 8th, 2024|Everyday life, New From Old, True Self, Trust God|

As This New Year Unfolds

Good morning... When I was a young mom of four little kids, a wise woman from our church shared an important nugget of wisdom. "Children are not for molding," she said. "Children are for unfolding." Through the change in one single word, God continues to guide me. To me, molding means pushing, shaping, exerting control. The change of [...]

By |2024-01-02T11:42:37-05:00January 2nd, 2024|Everyday life, God's Plan, New From Old, Organic Growth|

Running Into A New Year

Good morning... Our tree is down. Our hopes are up. Before the new day dawns, a poem breezes in. ****** i am running into a new year By Lucille Clifton i am running into a new year and the old years blow back like a wind that i catch in my hair like strong fingers like all my [...]

By |2024-01-01T05:31:25-05:00January 1st, 2024|God's Plan, Gratitude, Letting Go, New From Old|

We Heal What We Feel

Good morning... "We heal what we feel," said Ron Greer, author of The Quiet House. I felt a lot when my dad said last night, "Today, I got a tree at Loews." Together, we reminisced about our annual trek around a tree farm as a family, cutting down our favorite Christmas bush (it was always wider than it [...]

By |2023-12-08T09:19:41-05:00December 8th, 2023|Healing, Letting Go, New From Old, Tree|

At Twilight In Our Messy World

Good morning... "It's late August," Barbara Brown Taylor begins her first chapter in Learning to Walk in the Dark. "I am lying in my yard on a blow-up mattress waiting for Friday to become Friday night, which is how I know people are wrong when they say, 'It's as clear as the difference between night and day.' That [...]

By |2023-10-03T02:15:30-04:00October 2nd, 2023|Light In Darkness, New From Old, Trust God|

An Old Song My Dad Sings

Good morning... As the full harvest moon slowly begins to empty and September breathes its last, I experience a strange occurrence. After taking our dogs out to relieve themselves in the middle of this night, I sit down on the couch to write. A few minutes later I hear a slow and quiet "creeeeeeeeeeeek." Moving cautiously toward the [...]

By |2023-09-30T09:33:54-04:00September 30th, 2023|Gratitude, Mystery, New From Old|

Savor Sweetness In The Dark

Good morning... After our Friday morning discussion of Learning to Walk in the Dark by Barbara Brown Taylor, I looked down and saw the strange sight above. A cut out, curled up magazine page caught randomly in the corner of our patio where the fourteen of us had just finished class. From where did this image blow in? [...]

By |2023-09-26T00:25:15-04:00September 25th, 2023|God's Word, Light In Darkness, New From Old|

A New Heart For James LeBow

Good morning... If all goes as planned, James LeBow will experience a successful heart transplant today at Vanderbilt Heart Center in Nashville, Tennessee. For many years, his wife Brooke has been a beloved member of our women's studies at Northside Church. Mission Circle gatherings and Sunday afternoon study each month. Wednesday morning and Friday morning studies each week. [...]

By |2023-09-23T04:43:13-04:00September 23rd, 2023|Light In Darkness, New From Old, Trust God|
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