One Scribbled Prayer

Good morning... Often I allow some silence before I pray aloud with a group or when I am meeting with an individual, one-on-one or over the phone. Silence slows the pace; it opens breathing space and curtsies to the God of grace. As I offered closed-eyed silence before I said our prayer, a stream of words naturally bubbled [...]

By |2019-11-06T08:26:36-05:00November 6th, 2019|Awareness, God's Timing, Listen, Prayer, Silence And Solitude|

Time With Our Teacher

Good morning... All week we have been perplexed by an unusual sign. "What," we have wondered together, "is a traffic table?" One of you candidly wrote, "Still trying to connect God and Traffic Table, but I’m sure it’s there." In God's kairos time, a few minutes later another one of you privately wrote: "I too was curious about [...]

By |2019-10-24T12:36:25-04:00October 26th, 2019|Aging, Everyday life, Silence And Solitude, Trust God|

Savor Sabbath: Slow Down

Good morning... As we were at the beach for fall break last weekend, I ran into a type of table I had never heard of before. Here is the sign that piqued my interest. "What," I thought, "is a traffic table?" My curious mind came home searching google for an answer. Here is what I learned. A traffic [...]

By |2019-10-20T08:26:59-04:00October 20th, 2019|Awareness, Everyday life, Sabbath, Silence And Solitude, Trust God|

Love With God

Good morning... "By doing the work of honoring, balancing, and integrating your inner life and your outer life," says wisdom from yesterday's post, "you will be able to more purely love God by offering your whole self to the work of love." Honor. Balance. Integrate. Inner life and outer life. Love God more purely. Offer whole self completely. [...]

By |2019-10-05T03:47:04-04:00October 5th, 2019|God's Love, Healing, Silence And Solitude, Trust God|

One Quiet Video

Good morning... I am grateful God allowed me to sleep in today, until about half an hour before my 8:00 am meeting. Had I crafted our morning message in the wee hours of the night, it would not have been this one, and this one is exquisite, for all the ways you will discover. "I thought you would [...]

By |2019-08-13T11:50:58-04:00August 13th, 2019|Abundance, Awareness, Everyday life, God's Word, Silence And Solitude|

The Sound Of The Spirit

Good morning... "Love this Sue!" she wrote after yesterday's post Does God Really Speak? "I think God speaks most clearly through us, in and through His creation - if we are paying attention. For me, one of the most powerful experiences of God’s timing came from me responding to the inspiration of a sudden breeze and a simultaneous [...]

By |2019-08-03T17:19:48-04:00August 2nd, 2019|Everyday life, God's Plan, Holy Spirit, Silence And Solitude|

Being Stripped Bare

Good morning... As a church staff, we sprinkled ourselves into the pews of our wide-open sanctuary to commemorate Maundy-Thursday together. Music. Prayers. Scriptures. Sermon. Communion. We experienced the memory of Jesus' final moments wrapped in the flesh of a man. With a loud cry, Jesus breathed his last. The curtain of the temple was torn in two from [...]

How Might I Waste Time With God?

Good morning... Yesterday's post highlighted a life-giving email from a friend. Her additional notes continue to shape me, calm me, guide me. ****** 3 Things To Do When Overwhelmed - notes from lecture by Trevor Hudson, 3/7/19 1) Consider the flood and Noah’s Ark: When an overwhelming flood comes, Noah builds an ark with great attention to its shape. [...]

By |2019-03-15T03:50:33-04:00March 16th, 2019|Everyday life, God's Love, Silence And Solitude, Transformation|

I Feel Overwhelmed

Good morning... Important emails are piling up. I don't have time to respond to all. I feel overwhelmed. In my mind, heart, and gut are gnarly knots. I don't have time to untangle all. I feel overwhelmed. Time evaporates with so much left to do. I don't have time to accomplish all. I feel overwhelmed. Unaware of my chaotic quandary, [...]

By |2019-03-15T04:10:17-04:00March 15th, 2019|Anxiety, Everyday life, God's Plan, Letting Go, Silence And Solitude|

Be Where Your Feet Are

Good morning... "Be where your feet are," our pastor said in his sermon on Sunday. Be not in the past. Be not in the future. Be here. Be now. Be present. He admits, "This is really hard for me, to be where my feet are." I suspect we all battle the same human tendency, to obsess about the [...]

By |2019-02-20T07:08:44-05:00February 21st, 2019|Light In Darkness, Silence And Solitude, Spiritual Growth, True Self|
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