Good morning…
I pulled the bookmark from my signed copy of one of my favorite books, The Hidden Life Awakened, and I put the small slip of card stock beside the lamp on my bedside table. Centering myself on God’s endless Source of life-giving energy, now I whisper aloud each night and each morning the prayer first formed in the heart of Christian mystic Betty Skinner.
“Center me down, Lord, to the innermost of my innermost, until all of me kneels before You. Then, in this night as I sleep in Your presence, in the morning as I awake in Your presence, silently, reverently, waitfully, bring me to Your table that I might see with Your eyes, hear with Your ears, and love with Your heart.”
Let the peace of Christ [the inner calm of one who walks daily with Him] be the controlling factor in your hearts [deciding and settling questions that arise] (Colossians 3:15a, AMP).