
Good morning…

Each time I walk our dogs, I pass by these two trees. One tree bears a sign with the name and the face of a three year old Israeli girl who was kidnapped by Hamas. Another tree shares the name and the face of a seventy-seven year old hostage. I am grateful for a compassionate neighbor who chose to put up these signs, grateful to remember each day the innocent victims across our globe.


I wish I could somehow bring water to the thirsty people held hostage in the Gaza tunnels and the thirsty above ground trapped in the active war zone, the Israeli, the American, and the Palestinian victims. From so far away, God what can I do?

Offering deep prayer in a solidarity of Spirit, I come to rest with the God who sees all, who knows all, who loves all who are stuck in this awful suffering. Somehow be with them, living LORD. Please calm their immense fear. Heal their deep grief. Strengthen them with your powerful Spirit.

Another creative possibility comes to mind in the dark of this long, long night. I sign up to bring ten cases of water downtown to the thirsty in our own community. On Saturday, PAWkids will host a Homecoming Celebration in the Grove Park neighborhood of our city from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. Along with free food, lively music, and life-giving conversation, bottled waters will be on me. God, might you mysteriously multiply the symbol of this water to creatively care for the thirsty across our globe?

The Eternal says: If you are thirsty, come here; come, there’s water for all. Whoever is poor and penniless can still come and buy the food I sell. There’s no cost—here, have some food, hearty and delicious, and beverages, pure and good (Isaiah 55:1, VOICE).

In God’s higher, organic way, it’s all free!


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