Good morning…

Our family’s life-changing move from PA to GA happened fifteen years ago next month. Over those extended years the seedling of my true self has settled into this southern soil, growing roots, sprouting more, spreading seeds. But I will never forget the beginning stages of my journey toward wholeness. 

When my dream-life was first uprooted, the seed of my soul was pushed unground into the dry darkness of depression. For nearly two years, I struggled to break through disconnecting dirt, to breathe fresh air, to feel again the warmth of light. For a long hard season, lasting joy was a stranger as I grieved all I had loved and lost.

Yet, my faraway friend is right again (see our past two posts). From deep in my roots, God gradually grew in me the gift of expressing the invisible things none of us fully understand. How life and death hold hands each day. How giving wholeheartedly we receive abundance. How God experientially empowers us to love and be loved, up-close and mutually, wherever we are planted.

We who commit with God to do our inner healing work begin to embody eternal blessings: They are like trees along a riverbank bearing luscious fruit each season without fail. Their leaves shall never wither, and all they do shall prosper (Psalm 1:3, TLB).
